
Statistics related to glycans in the Protein Data Bank
   Glycan Statistics Analyzed Glycans: 156768 Unique Analyzed Glycans: 3137 N-Glycans(Asn): 111743 N-Glycans(Arg): 30 O-Glycans(Ser): 950 O-Glycans(Thr): 1167 O-Glycans(Tyr): 125 C-Glycans(Trp): 0 S-Glycans(Cys): 26
Statistics on glycan-containing proteins in the Protein Data Bank
   Protein Statistics PDB entries: 21748 Glycoproteins: 9601 Lectins: 807 Strand: 89529 Proteins: 88828

Statistics of protein structures around carbohydrates in the Protein Data Bank

Helix structures of proteins around glycan structures
GlycoNAVI - TCarp
Helix_Type Description Residue Count
Sheet structures of proteins around glycan structures
GlycoNAVI - TCarp
Sheet Residue Count

Statistics of the sequon

Sequences of N-Glycan sequons

Statistics of amino acid residues

Statistics of residues around glycans in the Protein Data Bank

Statistics of the paired structure of glycans and amino acid residues

Statistics of the paired structure of glycans and amino acid residues around carbohydrates in the Protein Data Bank

Statistics of the experimental methods